Message from Robert
I have been an entrepreneur since I was in my early 20s and have started and operated numerous small businesses. In 2023 I became aware of a new and explosive opportunity as the new GLP medications hit the market. These revolutionary peptide hormones are helping millions of people jumpstart their weight loss and help them along the path to reclaiming their physical bodies and their lost energy and vitality.
Being a Christian myself, I became interested in helping churches and their members, primarily in the South, to overcome the obesity epidemic that has swept through their congregations and robbed them of their physical perfection and full happiness.
My business Zumaya Wellness helps congregations lose the excess weight and return to their God given and natural body dimensions through our Body Of Christ Health Initiative that includes the provision of GLP1 medications at a super affordable price. The Pathway Sedona then provides them life coaching for life, thereafter, helping create a whole new attitude towards food, teaching them how to avoid emotional overeating, and how to adopt an entirely new choice of which foods to eat and which to avoid in order to remain at their perfect weight. The support and encouragement of this life coaching program can be a real difference maker too as their constant reminders and reframing help channel us back into the right path time and time again. This is one of the keys to success as going it alone can be much tougher!
When church members and others join The Pathway Sedona, not only do they get the benefits of these life changing GLP1 medications through Zumaya Wellness, and the incredible assistance in maintaining a healthy mental and physical lifestyle through The Pathway Sedona, but they also have the opportunity to bring others into the business who need the benefits of the program, effectively building a potentially substantial income at the same time!
Normally it goes like this. A church gifts The Pathway Sedona $500 and joins the program. We then conduct a seminar within the church through The Body of Christ Health Initiative, offering the entire program to the members of the church. The church receives $200 for each new member who joins under them, and then $50 for each additional person who signs up under those new members. The church members receive the same compensation for the members they sign up as the original church does, effectively starting them in their own business, with the possibility of substantial income depending on the number of people they sign up and the assistance they provide the people under them to do the same. This effectively provides an income stream for the church and for its members who join the program. The members are effectively providing a potential super tithe to the church, and the members are building their own small business within the program. And all this on top of losing all of their excess weight and returning to their body happiness! A super win win!
Feel free to reach out to me about the Body of Christ Health Initiative to find out how you can participate. The Pathway Sedona and Zumaya Wellness have created a super team to help people thrive in all aspects of their lives! Your church provides the spiritual enrichment and guidance, Zumaya Wellness provides the means to return her members to their perfect body dimensions, and The Pathway Sedona provides the constant reframing, support, and encouragement to lock in these body changes.
Come join us!
Hi everybody, I’m Robert Malins.
The founder of The Pathway Sedona Eddie Travis has been a friend of mine here in Sedona for a few years. When he finally explained TPS to me I was struck by the elegance of the program and how it was exploding both here in the U.S. and now worldwide. It became obvious that this was a program I could really get behind.
Having previously done a lot of personal work on the control of my own thoughts and seen the benefits not only to my self-esteem but to what I could then accomplish in life, I am now a big supporter of the life coaching concept as a way to jumpstart this transformation and then to see explosive personal growth!
I started life in a highly dysfunctional family and suffered greatly as a result. These agonies restricted my balance, personal growth, and my overall happiness for decades. Only when I started confronting my own grief and rejecting the negative messages my father had implanted in my head was I able to move forward and find happiness and a measure of success. I had many people help me with this; they were my life coaches. It’s super helpful today though that others can simply join TPS and realize the benefits of this level of life coaching whenever they need it throughout their lives!
One of my greatest comforts was finding an expression for my grief in music. I started writing poetry out of the blue 15 years ago and then turned many of my poems into songs. I decided to begin voice training then since I knew no one else could express my message since it was mine alone. I have gathered many super talented industry professionals around me to work towards my first album and am becoming deeply satisfied with the results! It has been a very rewarding and healing adventure.
The Pathway Sedona
To Raise Awareness through Mindfulness and Meditation. A process to learn to control your thoughts. The Pathway Sedona is a passionate journey emanated from your Soul. To make a difference in the world by GIVING BACK and earning Life Changing money at the same time.
The Pathway Sedona is a Revolutionary Movement providing an opportunity for anyone who wants to help others reach their highest potential.
A universal and comprehensive LIFE Guide transforming lives by the moment!
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Sarah ~ Where Passion Meets Purpose
Let's go! Giddy up!
It's time to get moving and tackle whatever challenges come your way. With determination and a positive attitude, we WILL accomplish anything we set our minds to. So, let's saddle up and ride towards success TOGETHER!
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Sharing Awareness
Do you know what awareness is and why it is important?
Awareness is the ability to be conscious of your own thoughts, feelings, sensations, and surroundings. It is also the ability to be mindful of the thoughts, feelings, sensations, and surroundings of others. Awareness will help you improve your mental and physical health, your relationships, your productivity, and your happiness.
I want to share with you some benefits of awareness, some tips on how to practice awareness, and some ways to share awareness with your family and friends. By the end of this post, I hope you will feel inspired to cultivate more awareness in your life and spread it to others.
Benefits of Awareness:
Awareness has many benefits for your well-being. Here are some of them:
Awareness WILL reduce stress and anxiety. When you are aware of what is happening in your mind and body, you can notice when you are feeling stressed or anxious and take steps to calm yourself down. You can also identify the sources of your stress or anxiety and deal with them more effectively.
Awareness WILL enhance your emotional intelligence. When you are aware of your own emotions, you can regulate them better and express them appropriately. You can also empathize with the emotions of others and respond to them with compassion and respect.
Awareness WILL improve your decision making. When you are aware of the consequences of your actions, you can make more informed and rational choices. You can also avoid impulsive or reckless behaviors that may harm yourself or others.
Awareness WILL boost your creativity. When you are aware of your surroundings, you can find inspiration and opportunities for innovation. You can also use your awareness to generate innovative ideas and solutions for various problems or challenges.
Awareness WILL increase your happiness. When you are aware of the present moment, you can appreciate what you have and enjoy what you are doing. You can also avoid dwelling on the past or worrying about the future, which may cause negative emotions.
Tips on how to practice awareness.
Awareness is a skill that can be learned and improved with practice. Here are some tips on how to practice awareness:
Meditate regularly. Meditation is a form of mental training that helps you focus your attention on the present moment. It also helps you observe your thoughts and feelings without judgment or attachment. You can start with a few minutes a day and gradually increase the duration and frequency of your meditation sessions.
Do mindful activities. Mindful activities are those that require your full attention and engagement. They can be anything from cooking, gardening, reading, writing, playing an instrument, painting, etc. When you do mindful activities, you can immerse yourself in the experience and notice the details and sensations involved.
Keep a journal. Journaling is a way of expressing yourself and reflecting on your life. It can help you become more aware of your thoughts, feelings, actions, goals, values, etc. You can write about anything that matters to you or that affects you in some way. You can also use journaling prompts or questions to guide your writing.
Ask yourself questions. Questions are powerful tools that can help you increase your awareness. You can ask yourself questions such as:
What am I feeling right now?
Why am I feeling this way?
What am I thinking right now?
How does this thought affect me?
What am I doing right now?
Is this what I want to do?
What am I grateful for today?
What do I want to achieve today?
How can I improve myself today?
Listen actively. Listening is not only hearing what someone says but also understanding what they mean and how they feel. Listening actively requires you to pay attention to the speaker's words, tone, body language, facial expressions, etc. It also requires you to give feedback, ask questions, paraphrase, summarize, etc. Listening actively can help you become more aware of yourself and others.
Ways to share awareness with your family and friends.
Awareness is not only beneficial for yourself but also for others. Sharing awareness with your family and friends can help you strengthen your bonds, improve your communication, resolve conflicts, support each other, have fun together, etc. Here are some ways to share awareness with your family and friends:
Share your experiences. Sharing your experiences with others can help you connect on a deeper level and learn from each other. You can share what you did during the day, what you learned from a book or a course, what challenges you faced or overcame, what goals you achieved or are working on, etc.
Share your feelings. Sharing your feelings with others can help you express yourself and release any pent-up emotions. It can also help others understand you better and empathize with you. You can share how you feel about a situation or a person, what makes you happy or sad, what worries you or excites you, etc.
Share your thoughts. Sharing your thoughts with others can help you clarify your ideas and opinions and get feedback or advice from others. It can also help others see things from your perspective and respect your views. You can share what you think about a topic or an issue, what you agree or disagree with, what you are curious or confused about, etc.
Share your awareness practices. Sharing your awareness practices with others can help you motivate and inspire each other and hold each other accountable. It can also help you have fun and enjoy the process of learning and growing together. You can share what awareness practices you do, how they benefit you, what challenges or difficulties you encounter, what tips or resources you recommend, etc.
Share your appreciation. Sharing your appreciation with others can help you express your gratitude and kindness and make others feel valued and loved. It can also help you cultivate a positive attitude and a generous spirit. You can share what you appreciate about yourself, others, or life in general, what you are thankful for, what compliments or praises you want to give, etc.
Awareness is a powerful skill that WILL enhance your well-being, your relationships, and your happiness. By practicing awareness regularly and sharing it with your family and friends, you WILL create a more mindful and meaningful life. I hope this has given you some insights and inspiration on how to practice and share awareness.
You are about to make a Profound and Wonderful decision by donating and sharing your AWARENESS with family and friends. You are not only helping others, but also yourself. You are about to experience a transformation that will surprise and delight you. Your generosity will open up new possibilities and opportunities for you, and you will discover new aspects of yourself that you never knew existed. You are a kind, compassionate and amazing person, and you deserve all the happiness and success that life has to offer. Thank you for being a part of this positive change in the world!
-Allison and Eddie